Saturday, February 3, 2018

The rest of the first adventure: Hell's Gate, Lake Naivasha, Monkeying Around

Let's finish off Hell's Gate day to complete the photo journey...

The Vervet Monkeys - the adorable scourge of the hell's gate picnic area and prolific stealers of food

This guy got ahold of Rochelle's tab can

Baboon Mom and Baby harassing another baboon


Out on Lake Naivasha

Hippos - actually the most dangerous animals in Africa to humans per the locals.  We kept a healthy distance.
A waterbuck with giraffes in the background

This entire jungle scene was going on in somebody's backyard - probably a flower plantation owner.

Relaxation after an exciting day
It was actually a little cold for the pool.  We did swim though!
Getting ready to eat dinner
Fireplace at the safari lodge where we had dinner

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