Saturday, February 3, 2018

Mt. Kenya... From Base Camp to Finish!

Here's the photographic journey from base camp to going out dancing in Chogoria on the last night of the trip.  What an epic adventure!

The day begins at nearly 11,000 feet, we depart Moses Camp
The cabbage groundsells, so I'm told, only bloom every 5-7 years!

First view of the mountain!

Our entire team, assembled!

Our guide, Sammy
Sasquatch is no longer in the Pacific Northwest

The high camp.  At 3:20 AM the next morning, we would be on the trail!

The first and second highest twin peaks, Batian (17,057 ft) and Nelion (17,021 ft) are both highly technical.  Maybe someday one of the residents who write this blog will climb the actual second highest peak in Africa.

At Lenana Peak (16,335 ft).  Third highest point on Mt. Kenya and therefore 4th highest in Africa after Kilimanjaro.  Even here, Rochelle has an ice cold Tab!

Feeling accomplished!

Rock Hyrax were coming after our food in large numbers, soon joined by a flock of birds!
These majestic beasts' closest living relative is the elephant.

Following the Chogoria route.  Some of the most gorgeous terrain I've ever seen.
Sammy took naps in the most epic of places.


We made it back to the tropical highland forest!
More rosewoods.
We walked 25 (17 miles) today... we're starting to look really tired!

Arriving at the bandas (cabins) just as the sun sets...
Sunset on the slopes surrounding the massive Mt. Kenya.  We were way up there earlier.  We've come a long way!
Ready for bed!

Home sweet home!
Another awesome fireplace in Kenya.  Was still pretty cold here at night.
The next morning, refreshed and rejuvenated, we're ready to walk to the van and drive to Chogoria.
Saying goodbye to our team in Chogoria.  Many goodbye hugs followed.

After some naps, we spent the late afternoon walking around Chogoria.

Travel and Leisure cover!
Strolling through the tea plantations.
Near the end of the traditional post Mt. Kenya night of dancing (1 AM?) at a Kikuyu bar.   Made some new friends (I think Rochelle had met one of them on a previous trip).  I'm not sure how we're still awake/alive.  It was so much fun though!!!  

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