Saturday, February 3, 2018

Mt. Longonot and other pre-Mt. Kenya preparation/adventures!

We hiked around and to the top of Mt. Longonot, a collapsed stratovolcano with a densely forested crater.  We walked the entire rim but did not brave the route down to the crater.

The other pictures are from the numerous training hikes up into the hills above Kijabe, through small farms and villages to the highland jungles.  One of our excursions took us to The Forest, an ecotourism center, where we did archery and zip lining.

1 comment:

  1. I am mostly surprised Rochelle et al went back to the same hotel after Hell's Gate. At least, it looks like the same hotel. Did the food get sorted out? (We can swap notes over a Tusker er... damn... an over-hopped local brew!).
