Saturday, January 7, 2017

The view from our apartment is pretty extraordinary.  We face west overlooking the hospital (not pictured below) and the Great Rift Valley in the middle distance.

Nicole captured an amazing sunset during our first week.  (Although honestly, many of the sunsets have been extraordinary.)

We have been getting up early (between 4 & 5am), which makes for leisurely mornings with nice breakfasts at home.  I've also had a chance to get up and do Tai Chi in the pre-dawn hours with some external practice (Kung Fu forms/techniques) as the sun becomes visible over the densely treed Eastern hillside.  Let me just say that practicing at 7200-ft above sea level is significantly more challenging than at sea level!

1 comment:

  1. Wow you guys! What an amazing spot to be situated. Glad you're enjoying from the get-go!

    Big hugs,
