Thursday, January 15, 2015

Work, Nairobi and exercise

Work continues with lots of interesting cases including TB, probably Malt lymphoma, lots of brain neoplasms,  a Whipple!  Breast cancer, thyroid cancer, hard to explain blood smears.  Yesterday we went to ward to investigate history of 50 some year old male with WBC of 55k , mostly polys, but some left shift and a few blasts.  On way through men's ward, patient with open fixation sitting in bed, leered/grinned at us and said "I am good", I replied "Niko Sawa" (I am good) - mistake since then got a response in Swahili I couldn't understand.  Finally found patient's room. He looks more like 90, cachectic, unclothed and uncovered, urine on the floor.... the nurse hastily closed the door saying the room needs to be cleaned.  Finding the chart we discovered he has disseminated TB, urinary track infection (course he had indwelling catheter).... no wonder his white count is so high!  What a sad and eye opening experience it is to travel through the wards.  Most are the open room type with 15 beds (at least) in a ward.

Below is view in hallway, a little awkward taking photos.  Hall is always CRAMMED with people (and smells).  It's warm though not hot, but people are typically dressed in sweaters and coats.

Waiting outside for clinic appointments (presumably)

  Claire coming out of the ATM machine; luckily there is one near the hospital entrance!
 Wednesday was an interesting day!  Rochelle spent entire day in Nairobi, mostly sitting in traffic, obtaining backpacks for upcoming Mt Kenya hike, Paying for upcoming Lake Nakuru trip (in order to get "deal"), obtaining propane, and sitting in hot and NOISY traffic.  Claire had the ultimate day of "graduated responsibility" which I think she will post separately, but including attempted FNA on baby - in path lab!  And touch prep on Whipple lymph node among other things.  She handled it all well!
Typical Nairobi traffic - a photo just can't do it justice!

 We have a new exercise plan.  Walk the 2000 ft elevation gain, ~ 8 mile round trip up to the top of the escarpment before the work day begins!! Below photos can't really capture it all, but it is beautiful!!!

Philip (driver, guide, all around helper) and his mother who gardens near our house

Last night's sunset from our porch.

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