Monday, January 12, 2015

Weekend Field Trips

This may have been Rochelle and Ginger's FOURTH time doing these trips, but it was all new for Claire! The first was a hike in Hell's Gate National park. 
The park has a canyon you can hike in, but it also is an game sanctuary! All of the animals roam free, without many of their large natural predators. Many of the warthogs had babies following them, they were SO CUTE.

 These birds are called bee-eaters. They are one of the most colorful-- and one of our favorites!
This bird is a secretary bird-- he was very large, and mostly walked around.

 Finally we saw some giraffes! They looked so graceful as they slowly walked around, almost like fashion models. Do you see how different this giraffe's spots are? This is a Masai giraffe (vs. Rothschild).

Below are impala, notice that they are all females
.....and this is their only male.....what a stud?
Here are some pictures from our hike in the canyon.

We even needed ropes!

Sometimes you just needed to get your hair wet in the hot spring (it felt really good!)

Sometimes you had to get creative :)

More Ropes! Rochelle has such great form.

At the end we took some time to appreciate the scenery...


At the end, we had a snack-- but not without being bothered by monkeys!

Phew. And that was just in the morning :)

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