Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A little too exciting work day

 Our workday started out fine today.  Claire and Rochelle walked the 7 mile round trip to top of the ridge, showered, ate the usual YUMMY pineapple, mangoes, home made english muffins and PB and honey and headed to work.  Lunch break involved walk to market, 20 lbs (or more) of produce for $15 including mango, pineapple, eggplant, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, watermelon, cucumber, cauliflower, zucchini... don't know how we'll eat it all!
Claire and Ginger trying to see if butcher is open (They were closed for lunch apparently)

Walk back from market.

Below is Phyllis labeling slides..

David organizing blocks

Rochelle reluctantly grossing (horrible photo!)
 So, AM and lunch were fine.  Not toooo many cases to look at today, but several bone things including cases of probable osteosarcoma in an older woman, metastatic (or primary?) squamous cell carcinoma involving leg bone in older woman, ? in younger man looks benign and per consults from home (THANK YOU) is chondromyxoid fibroma, breast cancer, several FNA's including positive breast ca, Paps which are either high grade or nothing.  Around 4 Rochelle headed back home while Claire and Ginger finished the grossing.
But then.... Claire called Rochelle (against Ginger's will)  "you better come up here, Ginger stuck her hand in the gross room fan".  So off we trudged to the surgery clinic... "does she have a chart, Dr. can't see her w/o a chart".  "Oh yes he can!!" Rochelle responded.  Ended up calling one of the surgeons who directed us to the casualty ward (read ER, but does look like casualty ward - should've taken a photo).  Mom felt she didn't deserve to be seen since her finger injury wasn't the multiple or open fractures that most had sustained.  Photos below tell rest of story, but some cleaning up and 4 stiches later, finger will likely mend fine!  Don't continue if squeamish! 

Notice how clean the walls are around the sign to maintain cleanliness!

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! Ginger are you ok?? Ouch! We had similar "excitement" at hockey practice. One kid accidentally stepped on another kids hand with skates on. Lots of blood and manny stitches later...but no clean treatment room! (Karsten wasn't the kid doing the stepping or being stepped on-thankfully)
