Sunday, January 6, 2013

Well, we are relatively settled in to Kijabe so time for a blog.

The trip here was long, filled with movies, books and cards and little sleep.  Arrival at Nairobi airport was delayed an hour due to battery trouble in Amsterdam.  Customs didn’t fuss toooo much about the orange crate carrying the CT scanner part (wanted to know is it medicine?? Is it the entire CT scanner?).  Luckily the airline personnel in Seattle waived the $350 overweight and overluggage fee since it’s for charity (I think it helped to be female!).

After another just about sleepless night in Mennonite house in Nairobi, we left at 9 AM for shopping and Kijabe.  After arrival in Kijabe, unpacking, etc we stopped by to say Hi in the lab.

Our Driver (John) was quite patient with our shopping spree!


Emily jumped right in!

Were too overwhelmed to take many photos.  There were tons of cases to gross and to look at.  Ancent (the Kenyan pathologist) is down to 1 day a week and there had been NO pathologist for a few days.  So, there went our plans to relax and unwind.  Emily and I each grossed for an hour or so to catch up with the backlog.  
Baboons were availing themselve of the garbage from about 50 ft from our front door!
 Can't really see this well, but typical container - a margarine container now filled with, it think it was a testes... and not easy to remove.

Below is an eye from a 2 year old, still trying to decide what it is......

In the 2 1/2 days we've been here we've had:
several prostate cancer and prostatitis,
breast cancers, and one I'm not sure whether is carcinoma or lymphoma,
at least 2 sarcomas,
probable leukemia on blood smear (Emily picked it up!); waiting on bone marrow biopsy.
Several colon cancers and one appendix mucinous neoplasm with rupture,
the usual esophageal squamous carcinomas and probable adenoca.
Cervix ca
several thyroids
several brain biopsies (the neursurgeon actually thinks I might be competent!)
couple testes
bunch of uteri
several colons w/o cancer
TB (peritonitis, skin).... that's all I can remember for now!

More monkeys (Columbus monkey) in trees outside our front door, they decide to sing to the sun (or maybe it's the moon! ) at about 3 AM!!!


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