Saturday, January 26, 2013

Mt Kenya - last weekend

Mt Kenya Safari Club - Luxury!!

Our last weekend.  Mom and I deserted Emily in Kijabe to work for 2 days by herself (well with help from Ancent on thurs).  I'm not feeling too guilty...
Few minute old lamb trying to milk.  This really was from weekend before this, but had to post it.  So cute!  But Momma didn't want her to nurse... maybe because she was preparing to birth another!

Thompson falls along the way

Typical motor cycle riders!!
After 5 hour drive over decent roads, we arrived at Mt Kenya Safari Club (Fairmont).

Maribu Stork; they are all over the hotel grounds, and likely to steal some food!  That is our room above/ to the left of the stork.
Sunset from our porch


Thanks to friend, we got a GREAT rate and are certainly ready to relax!!

Weekend included walk through animal orphanage complete with feeding several animals, riding the 150 year old tortoise (and watching him try to ride a 100 year young chick - having trouble loading the video, but will persist).

Baby water buffalo, followed us all around the orphanage

Something or another crested crane
Who knew how all that horse back riding would pay off!

 Censored content....  removed.....

Culminating event was mountain hike for Rochelle, Jenny and Dennis.  Mom declined and stayed back to bird watch and relax.  After 1 1/2 hour drive over bumpy road we started the hike at Camp Moses at 3300 meters ( about 11,000 ft).  We finished at 3940 meters (13,000 ft!)...  Since I was relatively acclimatized, it wasn't really too bad, but poor Dennis and Jenny have only been here a couple days, so it was pretty rough. It did convince me that next time (yes, there'll be a next time), I've got to climb the mountain!!!

Awesome almost end to another wonderful experience.

Last dinner was a surprise patio dinner.  Mom and I had to eat twice (sort of), we had already a almost full bottle of wine, and salad and soup course when we were told about suprise  - really it was for Dennis and Jenny since he was a special guest.

Final moon rise over mountain


  1. I am a pathologist in Arkansas and came across your blog as we were researching volunteer opportunities. I am very interested in Kijabe Hospital and have many questions about your time there. Was wondering if you would be willing to exchange emails to discuss further. Thanks, Chris Webb

    1. Hi Chris,
      I would be happy to discuss with you. They are desparate for volunteers right now. I am at the University of Washington. Rochelle (Garcia).

  2. Thanks for replying Rochelle. I have a ton of questions, but I won't overwhelm you at once. If you want to reply here in the blog that is fine. If you would rather email, my address is
    I think the first question has to do with the load. It appears that there were three of you working, and the grossing alone looked like a hefty task. What would a typical day's load of grossing look like? It seemed that mostly there were bigs. Many biopsies? How much neuro? We don't have a neurosurgery service, so it has been about 6 years since I have seen any neuro. Who does the FNA's? Another area I don't do regularly at all.
    Obviously, exposure is an issue. Was there any precaution at all with specimens suspected of TB? Did you cut these in fresh or let them fix?
    I don't want to bombard you with a hundred questions at once, so I will give you a chance to discuss these first. Thanks again for taking time to share your experience. I am really intrigued about this opportunity in Kijabe, and I am anxious to learn more. Chris
