Monday, January 7, 2013

Mount Longonot

 Above is the view from our home away from home in the early AM.   Mt Longonot is the peak off to the right above the ENT house.

First sat.  Ready for a break after 2 (and a bit) days of work!  1 hour drive down BUMPY road from Kijabe to floor of rift valley and down “freeway” lined by hovels, donkeys, few zebras, people walking brought us to Mt Longonot park.  Hike to peak is about 1800 ft elevation gain.  We were NOT prepared for the difficulties of this hike!  Mom is in great shape, but after the first leg with steep incline, treacherous ground and many rests, she decided to camp out on the benches with (luckily) roof for shade.  Insisted Emily and I continue on so we did.  However below there we are ready to start.

After another steep climb we reached the rim.  A photo can't really capture it.  It is NOT a stroll around the rim!

The hike around the rim was billed as relatively easy though a bit long.  Certainly the latter applied, but easy?!  After some time around we were told “it’s easier going the other way”.  Well, we weren’t about to turn around!  Steep, treacherous, sandy, hot and dirty.  After a while, we didn’t worry about getting hand. Clothes or whatever else dirty.  

Finally made it to the top peak!!! Yea!!!  But, now we have to go down.  A bright soul at the top told us we should turn around and go back cuz “it’s easier that way”.  (we were probably ¾ around the cauldron).  I queried whether she had been round the other way.  “no”  then how the ____ would she know?  We persevered … 2 ¼ hours later made it around the rim.   Feeling bad about deserting Mom.  Got back to her and she ‘s happy as a clam, chatting with an English lady, loaning her binoculars to the Kenya girls hiking in their flats (that is the ones unwilling to go to the top). Wish we had taken a photo of that, but, imagination will have to suffice.

Late Lunch/early dinner at the Lake Naivasha country club was DELICIOUS and wine and beer appreciated!  We were all exhausted, though glad we made it, and all collapsed into bed at 7:30 PM.

Zebra along side the road on the way home

Mt Longonot viewed from car ride home... Ready for bed!

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