Monday, January 5, 2015

Back in Kijabe for 2015!!!  We are happy to be here.  Claire (Murphy) is here with Ginger and Rochelle (current writer).
Trip here was not too eventful.  Below is view of Sahara desert from airplane.  Mom and I left Seattle on time for 10 hour flight to Amsterdam, 2 hour layoever then flight to Nairobi.  We THOUGHT we were meeting Claire in Amsterdam.  A bit disconcerting to see several emails - "where are you Dr Garcia?!?!" ,  "when is Dr Garcia supposed to arrive, she wasn't on the plane?"...   we wrote back but didn't have time to get response so didn't really know what had happened. 
After exhausting and hot trip through customs (2 NEW $50 bills later) we finally made it out of the airport.  No driver..... after many attempts (unsuccessfully) at calling various emergency numbers (none of whom answered!, so much for emergency numbers) and with raising anxiety, we finally spotted the driver.  Thankfully Claire had called him to make sure we had a ride...and due to the horrible traffec (a road block stops every vehicle on way to airpot), he was late arriving.  Phew!
Our luggage after night in the Armani guest house.  Still not much sleep.  had another wait for Philip to pick us up for shopping before driving to Kijabe.,

Some of the typical traffic on the road...

Roadside market....

A few of the specimens waiting for us.    
We arrived with out mishap after shopping and the usual hot, dusty and noisy drive through Nairobi.  Stopped by the lab - a few specimens waiting for us - but we were so obviously tired they told us we can wait until tomorrow to the grossing.  One of the techs will try to do some of the small stuff.  After dinner of vegies and sauce, cheese and pasta we headed over to dessert night.  Not easy finding places in the dark here, but luckily ran into the medical director on our way.  People were happy to see the pathologists and many commented they've been waiting - there hasn't been one for "a while" - WHATEVER that means!  It is nice to be here.  Feels like home away from home.   We'll post more later!!

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