Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Traveling to Africa in the Time of COVID

(late post from 1/10/23)

The decision to come to Kijabe, and the trip here was much more complicated this year- thank you to COVID.  The typical January travel time was just not possible or (probably) safe.  After getting the vaccine, I decided to go (without a resident since UW is not approving official travel), but with my mother.  Booked tickets, cancelled tickets.  Booked again and found out Amsterdam requires a negative antigen test 4 hours prior to departure.  Could do that for $$ in Seattle, but no way in Kenya!, so cancelled again.  Mom had planned to go, but after all these complications, decided not to.  I didn't really think she should go without the vaccine, but she is a grown woman and can make up her own mind  (thankfully, at 80!).  Finally booked with British Airways; required negative COVID test < 36 hours before departure and < 96 hours prior to arrival in Kenya, UK QR code, Kenya QR code (both for contact tracing, which the US still hasn't started...) and a Kenya Visa which my work permit worked for.

After much packing, sorting, etc. (which one would think I would do without having to think about it), I was on my way.  Unfortunately flew Bristish Airways (WHICH I WILL NEVER DO AGAIN!) and was stuck in London for HOURS,  Almost gave up and spent $$$ on ticket on Kenyan airways.  Thankfully my luggage made it and I finaally arrived.

Flying over the north pole

Somehow, I never finished this blog post that year.... so x years later, I'll finish and try to write another.

Update from 2024, just for kicks.  Traveling here back to normal now, but some pics from then...

Kenyan airways infection prevention (I CANNOT think of the word I want), way better the British Airways!

Dr Rosemary and I, so much fun to work together and frankly fine not to have a resident ;)

Monkeys on the hospital

Hiking Mt Longonot,  First time for Phyllis and Peninnah (lab staff) who had such a great time!

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