Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Mt. Longonot and Lake Naivasha

 This weekend was filled with adventure! On Saturday we climbed Mt. Longonot, a Dormant volcano lying in the center of the Gregory Rift. the climb to the rim was steep, but we were rewarded with views of the crater below and of nearby Lake Naivasha.  Next we hiked around the entire rim and then back down to the parking lot. The hike took 5.5 hours in total and everyone was super tired! To refresh ourselves we visited Sawela Lodge, where we visited the swimming pool and then ate dinner at the lodge restaurant.

Driving toward Mt. Longonot

Looking into the crater


Hiking the rim

Looking out onto the savannah

Vervet monkeys at Sawela Lodge

The next day we drove back the same direction to visit Cresent Island Game Reserve, an isolated island in the middle of Lake Naivasha where we could get up close and personal with wildlife. After a quick boat ride across the shallow lake, we walked around the island and had close encounters with impalas, waterbuck, wildebeest, and even giraffes! It was an amazing experience!

Natalya meets an ostrich
Grant's Zebra





African Fish Eagle

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