Sunday, February 12, 2012

Rift Valley Run

Sat we ran/walked in the rift valley run. 
Thanks for taking photos Nadia Giannakopoulos
Thanks everybody for your support! Because of the generosity of our friends, family and colleagues, we raised 71000 KSH ($825), which is enough for 90 fine needle aspirates, 73 inpatient days, 3.5 major surgeries or 16 days in the ICU. When the average yearly income of someone in Kenya is $750, you can imagine what a difference this makes!
Actually by the time we finished, we had raised $950! 
The run was STRAIGHT UP for about 5 km from Kijabe hospital to the "freeway" - road from Nairobi to Navaisha and Nakuru, and I'm not sure where.  Rochelle made it to the top where whe met Panina (secretary).  She and Panina walked/ran about another KM then turned around and headed back.  Run/walk down was just about as bad - easier on the breathing but hard on the legs!
I think the link will work to go to FB photos; if not will try to post more....  keeping up with FB and blogs is a little overwhelming, especially since photos are too big to post directly to the blog site!

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