In the Hospital
Answer for last week's gross picture:
14 year old girl with a 1700g well-encapsulated mass deforming her breast.
The majority of the specimen has this pattern - TLDU with paucicellular, fibrous stroma. |
Hyperplastic area with degenerative changes. There was an area of infarction in the center of the mass. |
Rare area with increased stromal cellularity. (There is no atypia in the stroma and the epithelial component is not in a "leaf-like pattern".) |
The tissue looks almost like normal breast, except for a small area of hyperplasia of terminal duct lobular units and the absence of adipose tissue. We finalized the case as fibroadenoma. Great for the patient! She had reconstructive surgery at the time of the excision.
Gross case of the week...with answer at the end of this post
This is an 8 cm parotid mass with linear calcifications in a background of vaguely nodular tissue with prominent vasculature.
Outside of the Hospital
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Crafts |
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Fruit by the side of the road. Speed bumps on the highway are another great place to get fruit...without even having to get out of your car! |
We saw approximately 10 rhinos at the Ol'Pejeta game reserve. Docile creatures. |
Penina (third from the right) came over and cooked us my farewell/Ginger's welcome lunch. She made ugali (a polenta the size of a large casserole), beef stew, and sukuma wiki (the greens). It was so delicious. Thank you to all who made this a wonderful rotation that I shall never forget!
Answer to this week's gross:
See you in Seattle...Angelica